Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The image is the poets pigment. The image is not an idea, it is a radiant node or cluster a vortex through which and from which and into which ideas are constantly rushing in. it is as true but painting and sculpture as it is for poetry

I decide to take line breaks for different reasons depending on the intent for the poem. Sometimes I think one line doesn’t match up with the rest of the poetry in terms of length and it feels out of place while other times it’s more intentional where I want to emphasize on that specific word by breaking a complete thought and forcing it to be the first word you read in the line. I love playing with fragments and the unsettling quality they can harness since realistically it would be an abnormal way to communicate with someone else.

In Hirschfield’s informative “The Line”, Hirshcfield breaks down poetic devices in an easy to understand matter. Even when he uses more “complicated” words like disquieting or saxophonist, the words in the sentences surrounding the complicated word are simple and give context clues as to what the word might mean. Hirschfield also stays unbiased in his opinion of which method of poetry writing is superior and instead incorporates different ways to write poetry to describe variations that can be successful all using the same poetic device. He provides a lot of alternatives as to why and how someone could break a line and explains why they’re successful and what makes them successful. Hirschfield also provides a lot of different poets in his writing, acting as a better resource for exploring different poetry. Over all Hirschfield’s advice seems very well researched and unbiased having included different poets, poetic terms, as well as different expressions of poetry.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Meaning in poetry

I think poetry is something very personal to the writer and that a poem always has inherent meaning to an author. Meaning to artwork and writing is essential to it’s creation. Even something like an advertisement has meaning; that meaning might be to get the customer to buy the product but it’s still a meaning regardless. I think like art, one cannot truly separate the creator and the creation. Poems become so much more rich when there is context to the author and the kinds of experiences that could influence certain imagery or word choice. I don’t think poetry needs to be extremely direct in it’s structure to be a successful poem but I do think word choice needs to be as direct with an audience as it can be. There are countless ways to express a feeling using simple words. That is not to say that one cannot use a complex word and write a meaningful poem but a poem can lose meaning to a lot of people if they cannot understand half of it. I think ultimately poetry serves to give the reader something whether it ends up being an insight or simply the motivation to look up a new word. It’s when you make your poetry a task for someone that it becomes tedious because you have clearly not chosen the correct words to explain your idea.
Sound Poem

Open letter to my countries:

America America America I heard America.
There is no place like America.
Warm beaches and stretched out farmlands.
Crowded cities and humble hometowns
yearning for a better living. America?

And isn’t it America that has been the country of underdogs alike?
Who fought for freedom!! For Justice!! For white liberation.
And when I get asked where I’m from there’s a pause.                  
Florida well- not quite Florida it’s Miami and before then Venezuela
But really I was very young so does it even count? Does it count?
What does it mean to be foreign in a place where you’ve lived in your whole life? Well it’s a confusing answer to a confusing question
Filled with confusing back and forths between differing opinions.

First and foremost I remember Venezuela for what it’s worth.
I remember little things like my grandmother’s house,
the drive to school she would take me in
and I remember the beach house and the warm breeze
that glossed over me in Chichiriviche when we drove there with my grandma’s cat.
I remember making hallacas once a year with my family for Christmas
and the way I knew it was my uncle dressed as santa claus
because he was the only one who called my cousin Hector cachorro.

I remember the night coming to America,
waking up lazily in a speeding vehicle
and asking my mom where we were going.
 Being told to go back to sleep I complied
not suspecting there was something else
and there was something else America.

America you took me in right?
After all I’m thankful I guess.
Better here than there here than there
there was no going back as far as I’m concerned
but when your father stages a coup de’tat
against Hugo Chavez himself
it doesn’t LOOK promising.
And that’s what America is right? Promising?

 Well you were gracious to let me in of course
 but your open door doesn’t fool me
shut to so many others like me.
But you’ve kept your promise America so far
so I’ll leave that note for another day.

There was no freedom in my coming here
and there was no justice in what happened.
 I have not been back there although
 I used to fantasize packing my bags
 going for a visit anyways
 and meeting a gun if it meant it.

 I felt prepared enough here in America
with gun stores located right next to
your family friendly arcade.
Make sure It’s locked and loaded Venezuela
you could learn some things from America.
But Venezuela you might have already
with your current situation.

 And how are you Venezuela
I haven’t seen you in a while.
I doubt you look the same you did 15 years ago.
You haven’t aged very well I heard.
 And hear is all I do concerning you.
Phone calls, posts, and texts
But it’s never you just a messenger
Just another family member

 Did I leave you or did you leave me no other option
Since when did you get that scaron your cheek?
 I’ve seen the pictures. Believe me when I say
 I wanted to come back. I wanted you to hold me
with your latin heat and shower me with your soft rains.
But you are not the Venezuela I left behind
or the one my parents speak about.
I can never have that Venezuela back

Kids spoke about visiting all the time
To their home countries I mean
I remember being jealous of them
As a kid because I did not understand
Why I could not go back
And as a young adult because I did understand
Why I could not go back

I became a US citizen for you Venezuela
Don’t look at me with that face
It was the only way I could visit
And you know that
But how can I see my people
When they cannot see each other
When there is no power in the streets
or in their homes.
When each day is met with hungry people
and lack of water and yet my people fight
with more vigor than you ever could
America and why? Don’t you have it all
America? Bigger and better America
 building for bigger and better

things and then-                    A WALL?

Monday, February 12, 2018

Cubist Poem

From: Tammy walsh Subject: Passing Of a Student

He was like you too He was like me too
He was like that too He was like this too
He was like everyone He was like anyone
He was a stranger He was a person
He was my friend

Big announcement Big announcement there's a Big announcement 
A mass email has been sent out sent out sent out to everyone to every student
to every teacher to every faculty member to all come one come all to 
Have you heard Have you heard have you heard the news yet have you
Containing  contents  so concise in 8 sentences all there is 8 sentences
Did you read did you read read what there is in those 8 sentences ?
words words words turn lines lines lines into sentences sentences sentences
and yet there is skimming before deciding to read before deciding to stop
stop stop stop there is a familiarity to this stopping yet it is new and raw and
stop stop stop you need to keep reading stop it's only 8 sentences sentences sentences

In a chilly room it'll only get colder and colder until it gets all too hot
hot breath hot head room spinning and then the heat will rush rush rush
down a slope and through a corridor of flesh there it is the moment
of water running down in streams running down in rivers running until
a pair of sunglasses indoors comes more handy than the normal person will admit
a pair of sunglasses at night comes more handy than the normal person will admit
a pair of sunglasses although there is only one item yet there are two were two are two
two knocks or knock knock and doors open and there standing there in there will grab
and hold and soothe or try to soothe and try to comfort and try to ease and try to
fail at doing all and none of those things and all of those things will come at once and cease

Things I forgot from before and during my exile:

-The way my grandma used to carry herself before growing old
-The way she would say authority without ever saying it

-The way she hit the maid that beat me with a shoe
-The way she packed my bags that day and took me

-The way she’d peel a mango for me in the mornings
-The way she’d hold me in the nights I cried out for attention

-The way her hands must have been worn then too
-The way that she must have been worn then too

Things I didn’t see from before and during my exile:

-The son who at a young age killed himself
-The bags under her eyes the days after he did it

-The way she cried out when I moved here
-The nights she held the clothing I left behind

-The phone calls my mother received shortly before
-The desperation in her eyes when she realized
Our home is a foreign threat

-The secret meeting my family had
-The secret luggage they packed for us

-The politics behind what was happening
-The politics that involved me before knowing
what politics even were

-The car ride I fell asleep in on the way to the plane
-My home country
for over 15  years

and counting

Thursday, February 8, 2018

forgotten and unseen

Things I forgot from before and during my exile:

-The way my grandma used to carry herself before growing old
-The way she would say authority without ever saying it

-The way she hit the maid that beat me with a shoe
-The way she packed my bags that day and took me

-The way she’d peel a mango for me in the mornings
-The way she’d hold me in the nights I cried out for attention

-The way her hands must have been worn then too
-The way that she must have been worn then too

Things I didn’t see from before and during my exile:

-The son who at a young age killed himself
-The bags under her eyes the days after he did it

-The way she cried out when I moved here
-The nights she held the clothing I left behind

-The phone calls my mother received shortly before
-The desperation in her eyes when she realized
Our home is a foreign threat

-The secret meeting my family had
-The secret luggage they packed for us

-The politics behind what was happening
-The politics that involved me before knowing
what politics even were

-The car ride I fell asleep in on the way to the plane

-My home country for over 15  years and counting