Monday, February 12, 2018

Cubist Poem

From: Tammy walsh Subject: Passing Of a Student

He was like you too He was like me too
He was like that too He was like this too
He was like everyone He was like anyone
He was a stranger He was a person
He was my friend

Big announcement Big announcement there's a Big announcement 
A mass email has been sent out sent out sent out to everyone to every student
to every teacher to every faculty member to all come one come all to 
Have you heard Have you heard have you heard the news yet have you
Containing  contents  so concise in 8 sentences all there is 8 sentences
Did you read did you read read what there is in those 8 sentences ?
words words words turn lines lines lines into sentences sentences sentences
and yet there is skimming before deciding to read before deciding to stop
stop stop stop there is a familiarity to this stopping yet it is new and raw and
stop stop stop you need to keep reading stop it's only 8 sentences sentences sentences

In a chilly room it'll only get colder and colder until it gets all too hot
hot breath hot head room spinning and then the heat will rush rush rush
down a slope and through a corridor of flesh there it is the moment
of water running down in streams running down in rivers running until
a pair of sunglasses indoors comes more handy than the normal person will admit
a pair of sunglasses at night comes more handy than the normal person will admit
a pair of sunglasses although there is only one item yet there are two were two are two
two knocks or knock knock and doors open and there standing there in there will grab
and hold and soothe or try to soothe and try to comfort and try to ease and try to
fail at doing all and none of those things and all of those things will come at once and cease

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