Thursday, January 11, 2018

Here is a dream I will not remember
(I will try very hard to once I wake up)
In a familiar room I have never been in
I do not pay attention to it
I do not pay attention to the man smoking
Or the way he clasps his hands
Looking off somewhere that is not here

And you are staring at me
(And you are staring at me)
(And you are staring at me)

(Spoiler: I never lock eyes with you)
I fancy the painting behind you instead
(And in the corner of my eye-)
I can’t quite make it out
I will spend the rest of the dream trying to and failing

I can tell you hate me even more now
But I stare at the painting
This has nothing to do with you
Or it shouldn’t at least
Quit making such a sad face
It’s about the painting
She’s looking straight at me for crying out loud
(is she frowning? Or maybe-)

(I do not remember)
(I do not remember)
(I do not remember)

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